Barry's International Kitchen

August 16, 2009


Update 4/20/2011:  I found that using a mixture of 3/4 th vinegar and 1/4 water makes a kraut that is less tart and very good.  I also started thinking that the way I make it, looses some of the nutritional and benefits to the digestion.  I started making the real fermented Kraut, to be honest I don't enjoy it as much but will get use to it, I guess, it is more like the Kraut that I can buy and never really liked.  It is also quite simple to make and I will add that to this posting soon, I bought this special fermentation Jar, which I am hoping will help me to make half sour pickles, you just can't get a good half sour pickle here in Maine,  I think it might be difficult wherever you live, with the exception of may be New York City.  I do have a recipe that I can't wait to try, it actually only takes 3 days.   If your not concerned so much about some of the health benefits, the original posting makes a great Kraut. 

Cold Processed Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, has been a favorite of mine since I was a child.  I am not sure what is still avialable but when I was a kid we used cold processed and wonderful Sauerkraut, but now I live in central Maine and the choices are limited.  The Sauerkraut in the can is horrid, it is cooked and mushy or the stuff in the bag which is better but not as good as I want, not my kind of thing.  I lamented not being able to get good Sauerkraut for all kinds of things including Rubins(I will post later my Rubin, which is awesome).  One day I decided I was going to make this the way I like it.  I hit on a simple recipe that is close but not exactly but still quite good and beats the store products.  You can use any cabbage you like but there are some differences.  The green cabbage is a little tougher than the white cabbage and will hold up better for long periods of storage.  The red cabbage I have never used but I assume it would be fine.

I use jars for all kinds of things so I never throw any away, much to the dismay of my wife.  I have a lot of 32oz jars, so many of my recipes are for that size.

First off you want to sterilize the jar, you don't really need a big jarring whatamacallit to do this.  I just fill the tea pot and heat until it whistles and pour the very hot water into the jar and cap.  Then I use tongs to tip out the water and now you should have a nice sterilized jar ready for use.


1 30 - 32oz jar

1/3 of a medium cabbage cut fine(the easiest way to do this is to take the outer leafs off, stack them and press them down and slice thin when it gets about half way through the cabbage you can just cut across as fine as you can get it.)

1 - 2 tablespoons of salt, I would start with two, if too salty you can cut back

Apple Cider vinegar, enough to cover the
Sauerkraut in the jar.

Add salt to jar and they pack tightly the Cabbage into the jar

Pour Vinegar to cover cabbage

Close lid and shake to distribute the salt

Place in a cool place, basement is the best place.

In one week you will have something usable, but in 2 to 3 weeks it gets better, it will keep for several months.

Once you open it,  keep in fridge

I can eat this just like I did when I was a kid, with a fork right out of the jar.  Great for hot dogs with a little spicy mustard.  Excellent for Rubin's if you are so inclined.



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